Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Nice Drew Sharp piece about the Awesomely Sweet Tigers. I hope that place sells out this weekend.

It's June you know where your spring went?

Happy first day o' summer.

The poor Cardinals.

The Tigers are for real.

Pretty pumped for the bro.

Why exactly is everyone so excited for Friday?

Sunday, June 18, 2006

State of the Union

What country gets your vote for most farked up on the planet? Seriously...another missile test? Kim Jong Il is not from this world. Then there's Iran, perhaps the most insecure nation on our blue ball. Sudan? Sierra Leone? Can we call out China for burying its people under clouds of pollution and state-run media while tantalizing them with capitalistic gold? Perhaps the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which is systematically killing its people for no apparent reason? And if you're an Arab, is Israel on this list?

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Rolling it up

The going-ons are ridiculous and crazy, capped off by Eric's 5-day visit that ended this morning when he went back to the SassLand of Detroit to generally get on with his life. I think he enjoyed Florida, so I fully expect him to move down here soon so we can start our nightclub together. PollyEsther's Clone in full effect.

Speaking of PollyEsther's: Jon had his lovely friend Texas Girl in town for a few days (living near Austin, she is familiar with PollyEsther's), so we made sure she played Trivial Pursuit (props for getting the game-winning RBI with the last question) and had a whole meal of food at Sloppy Joe's.

Seriously, May and June have been ridiculous...I think it's partly due to Jon and his Lust For Life, and once you toss in the birthday parties, holidays (Father's Day and Mom's Birthday coming up), visits from people afar, the Pistons (a moment of silence), and the Finals (both), it just gets crazy.

I've done little-to-no wedding planning over the last 2 months either.

What I want is just a night to watch a movie or read a dinner out, no facebooking, no emailing, no softball, no basketball, no Rays, no phone calls, no wedding...just me and Teddy Roosevelt's biography.

Tonight may very well be that first night in awhile. We'll see.

Love to: The bro, mint oreos, portable hard drive, Linda for her wedding, Sean the Intern, Disney, Pixar, the person who drew my Space Mountain art, Stef, Midtown for the chicken sandwiches, Mr. Auld, Crunch bars, and the DJ for the wedding.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

I've been hit

Ron the Tiger tagged me (ahhhhhhh), so apparently I have to do this survey. Next is Colleen; you're it.

5 Items in my fridge:
chocolate chip cookie dough I like to eat
champagne for the wedding night
No Ecto Cooler, sadly

5 Items in my closet
Carolina Mudcats polo shirts
12 blankets...people keep giving them to us even though we're in Florida
a Reggie Miller jersey
Holly's wedding dress
Wade Boggs bobblehead

5 Items in my car
steering wheel
disposable camera, for some reason
a blanket (see "Closet" above)
Arby's coupons

5 Items in my purse
I don't have a purse, so I'll substitute my E: drive
Devil Rays animations
MP3s by The Click Five and Angels and Airwaves
Katie Holmes on SNL video
Ocean's 12 soundtrack
the last episode of BassCenter featuring Seth McClung, Josh Paul, Sarah and Becky