Monday, February 20, 2006

Good times

Okay. So I'm rolling through the visitor logs. Someone keeps logging onto the site through facebook. But their IP address is in Plano, Texas. No one I know's from Plano. A WHOIS doesn't help; all I get is that SWBell is the backbone of the connection. Oh wait: Here's the ISP, thanks to the statcounter logs. It's Gerace Construction! In Midland, MI! Amazing. St. Pete/Plano/Midland. The question then becomes: Who is this person? Karb? Should I care? Do I care? This sort of lame website-hopping-as-hacking is about as close to CTU as I'll ever get, so I'll at least have fun with it.


At Saturday, April 01, 2006 1:31:00 AM, Blogger Jess said...

Yeah, kind of weird. I don't keep track of these things on my site. It isn't me stalking you, I do that from the comfort of my own home. I have no idea what Gerace Construction is anyway.


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